The genesis of the "CHALLENGE MACHINE" derives from the band "HEART STONE" whose main initiator was Jaco Walken. The half of the" HEART STONE" together with Lara Black (cooperated previously with "MOOT FRIENDLY","NOW..WE")set up "TORNADO LOU" wchich currently changed it's name for "CHALLENGER". Since 30.X.2004 "CHALLENGER" became "CHALLENGE MACHINE". A lot of artists was cooperating with Challenge machine .


The band "CHALLENGE MACHINE" is a group of the four people,who through various experiences connected with music broken their creative horizons,aining music sensitivness and consciousness. In their achievements the band give vent to the energy resulting from feelings and emotions. This energy is an interpretation of the surrounding world and their imagination. The music of the "CHALLENGE MACHINE" is not typical when it comes to the music styles. It is a specific syntesis of different music - called CROSSOVER - it include styles like ( Hard Core, Punk Rock, Nu-metal, Alternative, Grange, Jazz, Ska ). Characteristic style of the band is denominated by the broad spectrum of music inspirations, wchich enables the members of the band to carry out experiments and freely arrange various instrumental combinations. The aim of the group is to brake up accepted music conventions wchich makes it easier to communicate with a larger group of listeners. The music of "CHALLENGE MACHINE" can be not only a great fun but is also able to engender imagination and determin some individual reflexions.


      (vocal,composer,text writer )& mothering other people,changeable moods ;-)

        (bass,composer,home recording)& a lot of "clever"theories

          (drums) time machine
